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Your return to Peru safely

We prioritize the safety and wellbeing of all our travellers, local experts, staff and suppliers, through a safe and responsible operation. We have worked extensively on our health and safety policies and we are implementing new minimum standards that emphasize increased hygiene and sanitation.

All this based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization and following the Safe Travel protocols of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) for tour operators.

Before travelling, we recommend that you check your government's travel advisory and the World Health Organization website for the most up-to-date information on destinations and permitted trips from each country.

We await the return of our global community of travellers, meanwhile, we prepare with the best practices in the world.

Security protocols

We exhaustively prioritize every detail, our COVID -19 health and safety protocols guarantee your well-being along the way.

Small groups

Less is more, the experience is lived in a better way, time is valued and social distancing is respected. We implement groups of a maximum of 10 members.

Local experts

We will be from the moment you think and dream about the trip, providing support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide you with a life experience. Always safeguarding your safety, we have new training in health and safety.

Private transportation Daily deep cleaning protocol of all surfaces and seating assignments for less occupancy. Hand sanitizer and masks will be required each time you get into the vehicle.

Responsible travel

Our local communities are kept safe and the positive impact in each place today is more important than ever.

Excellent accommodations

We rate our best suppliers for a completely safe experience suited to global security protocols.

Thank you.

Daniel and Valencia Travel team.

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There were once 30,000 kilometres of Inca roads and trails. Cusco was the capital of the Inca

Empire and the point where the roads converged, demonstrating the capital’s supremacy as

the “navel of the world.” These roads connected people for centuries and made it possible for the empire to grow.

At Valencia Travel, we follow in this same spirit of building metaphorical roads that can connect people, while at the same time discovering new paths to explore and follow. We follow the principle that made it possible to connect and unify people many centuries ago. It is very important to us as a company that these Andean interconnections are not lost. Rather,

that they spread to the furthest reaches of our global community of travellers.

During confinement: Rebuilding the connections

Authentic people with real connections to the land, wait high in the Andes, as the world recovers. From their mystique and ancestral wisdom, they observe us. They tell us that we must always be in contact with nature. They give us hope and we listen to them. The world doesn't change, it just constantly renews itself. We will be physically distanced, but connected by the energy.

From the navel of the world.

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