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Three mountain ranges, two seas, rain forests, deserts, and plains make Colombia the perfect destination for adventure. Below, we present three ideas to incorporate into your product portfolio and your clients do not miss to visit our wonderful Colombia.

Crossing from the Sabana de Bogotá to Villa de Leyva

This 7-day trip starts in the Sabana de Bogotá region renowned for being a producer of milk, green meadows, and preserve the rural culture of Cundinamarca.

The route is framed by the changes of the landscape passing through the Sabana and among horseshoe paths to climb the Andean moors, up to reaching the semi-desert area of ​​Ráquira. Those who are fortunate to do this trip are housed in colonial-style houses and will enjoy activities in the countryside.

Extreme sports

The geography of Colombian accommodates to practice many extreme sports, such as rafting, caving, rock climbing, mountain biking, and paragliding. Here, we present the regions where you can practice each of them.


When talking about extreme sports, the province of Santander is undoubtedly one of the main destinations. The wide variety of natural settings that combine rivers, valleys surrounded by impressive mountains, waterfalls, caverns, and a prolific history make every moment full of a new and exciting adventure.

Rafting is one of the main attractions. The Fonce River is ideal for beginners, because its rapids are not so plentiful, so they are qualified as level III. On the contrary, if what you are looking for is an experience to the limit, the Suárez River, classified as level V is the best option.

Caving - Close to San Gil, epicenter of all adventure activities, you can practice caving and visit Cueva de la Vaca. For 492 meters of travel, it is possible to enter the bowels of the earth following a stream of underground water and observing stalactites and stalagmites inside. However, want to feel the adrenaline can do rappel on any of the many waterfalls of the region.


Suesca is the paradise for rock climbing.

Only 2 hours from Bogota, Rocas de Suesca are a formidable cliff which heights oscillate between 20 and 170m. Shelter a varied fauna and flora, lucky tourists can, in addition enjoy a beautiful view of the Bogota river. To wrap it up, eating at one of the nearby restaurants is a perfect end of the day.

For those not you are not afraid of new challenges, love walking mountain scenery, discover hidden corners in nature, cross bridges, trails and rocks, and fill themselves with adrenaline requiring the body to the maximum, mountain-biking is the answer.


The best paragliding flight can be enjoyed near Medellín. Nothing is more stimulating than taking that jump from the top of a mountain to fly in the company of a flock of birds. For 25 minutes, you can fly over a large canyon surrounded by mountains and waterfalls feeling the dew in the air, as you cross the area.

The rafting near Medellín is a fascinating tour over a small portion of the vast Colombian rainforest. It is a journey beyond navigating whitewater with rapids of 4 different types. It is a unique opportunity to interact with gold miners who still preserve the traditions of this trade, swim in refreshing natural pools created by waterfalls, and discover a lot of endemic flora and fauna species in the region.

Santa Marta:

Touring the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta by bike is an exciting experience for all adventure lovers. Through landscapes of dry forests or rainforests, white-sand beaches, and crystalline waters on the shores of the Caribbean Sea or natural waterfalls, you can explore and appreciate the fauna and flora of one of the most beautiful areas of Colombia.

However, exciting experiences are not limited to mountain-biking. Tubing in Don Diego River is a combination of adventure, encounter with nature, physical challenges, and moments of total relaxation. This river with its refreshing waters, which come from the Sierra Nevada is the perfect setting for a descent, which will allow you to appreciate the abundant fauna and flora of the region, and a fabulous view of the imposing Sierra until reaching the estuary.


Off course, Colombia is a country for walking. Here, we list some of the most emblematic trekking sites of the country:


Hiking through the moors of Colombia is a unique opportunity to respectfully enjoy these environments, which are a water factory. Shelter of endemic species of flora and fauna, many of them in danger of extinction allow the visitor to enjoy majestic landscapes and magical routes through misty forests. If you are lucky enough, you may see a spectacled bear or a condor of the Andes. While it is true that in Colombia there are lots of moors, these are some of those that are easy to incorporate in the trip of your clients: the Chingaza Natural Park, just an hour and a half from Bogota or Parque de los Nevados, around two hours away from Manizales, where you can see extraordinary panoramic views of Nevado del Ruiz, Nevado de Santa Isabel, and Nevado del Tolima

Lost City:

Located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, it is one of the wonders of Colombia. This ancient indigenous village is one of the most important archaeological settlements in the country and was inhabited by the Tayrona native people. The trip to Teyuna is an adventure through the Colombian rainforest, where you can enjoy bird-watching and other species of fauna and flora, as well as the opportunity to interact with the communities in the region.

Roads of Santander: The roads of Santander are a journey through 700 years of the region history. Centuries ago, these roads were the scene of the passage of indigenous people, merchants, colonizers, and foreigners, who gradually populated the territory and transformed the economy. Today, they have been recovered, for the most part, by the peasants who inhabit the region. They have been putting old fashioned and manually brick by brick.

An extra we couldn't stop telling you:


Eastern plains in Colombia are the scene of one of the best sunsets in the world. Vast plains, which are deployed far as the eye reaches, and a variety of fauna and flora only found in this region of the country are accompanied by the soundtrack of the harp, “cuatro,” and maracas.

This region of the country offers a unique experience in its kind: the safari of the prairies. By bicycle, horseback riding, or in a 4x4 truck, it is the perfect opportunity to observe the living nature in its natural environment. Colombia ranks fourth in the global inventory of mammals, and the prairies or plains are home to a great variety: tapirs, monkeys, capybaras, tapirs, jaguars, and others, as well as one great diversity of birds.

Nestled in the plains is a heavenly place: Hato San Pablo or San Pablo Estate. Here, a little piece of civilization coexists in perfect harmony with nature. Hato San Pablo is horses and tradition, nature, rivers, prairies, fauna, and flora. It is a haven of peace on the banks of Clavo Sur River that empties into the mighty Meta, few kilometers away. This is a place that will always be in your heart.

Check out how you can include this ideas in an itinerary

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The magic of Avenue of Volcanoes in Ecuador

“Ecuadorians are rare and unique beings: they sleep peacefully in the midst of crisp volcanoes, live poor in the midst of incomparable riches and rejoice with sad music” - Humboldt

Observed from above, the Ecuadorian Andes display a collage of colors, as if nature had woven their own tapestry over them. A closer look, on the other hand, reveals to us that this surprising panorama is not only an expression of nature, but also the result of man's work.

In the Andean peaks, the afternoon sun covers vast areas of moor, while below, in the valleys, illuminates fields of corn, barley, wheat and quinoa, dyeing them with golden reflections, amber, lilac and amethyst that change step of the inconstant clouds. In the Andes, land of eternal games of light and shadow, nature and human activity, there is no day that resembles the other.

The Ecuadorian Andes are characterized by their impressive mountainous elevations, volcanoes and snowy peaks. Amongst the most important are; Cotopaxi and Chimborazo. Within it’s ten provinces there cities of great historical importance such as Quito and Cuenca, as well as artisanal centers such as Otavalo. Likewise, there are several national parks with very rich and varied flora and fauna.

Get ready to hike!

It is important to take into account the elevation that exists along the route of the volcanoes, the main reason is to avoid any discomfort when making the journey. Take one or two days after your arrival in the country to get used to the altitude before starting any ascent of the Andes.

It is necessary to wear warm clothes and appropriate for the weather. It is also essential that the shoes are suitable for mountainous terrain: mountain boots and shoes with traction are the best options.

If the plan is to spend several days on the mountain, then you should go prepared with foods to strengthen the body. Some recommended foods are: liquids, nuts, chocolate, fresh fruits, rye bread and canned proteins such as tuna, sardines and ham.

Don't forget to visit:

Chimborazo: The peak of Chimborazo Volcano is the highest point of Ecuador with an elevation of 6.263 m above sea level. The mountain is the highest peak near the terrestrial equator. Although it is not the highest mountain due to elevation above sea level, because of its location along the equatorial line its summit is the furthest point on the earth's surface from the center of the Earth and the closest point to the moon.

Cotopaxi: At 5 897 meters high, it is one of the highest active volcanoes on the planet. Some visitors, with the necessary strength, preparation and will, go on their slopes to crown their high summit. The volcano is the main attraction of the Cotopaxi National Park, which covers several provinces and protects a wide area of páramo, home of the Andean condor.

Cayambe: The secret of many climbers in Ecuador; much less popular than Cotopaxi. It offers an equally beautiful ascent, but for a much less traveled route. Humboldt after his visit to Ecuador wrote about this volcano: "This mountain can be considered as one of the monuments with which Nature has made a great difference on Earth."

Tungurahua: It is located in the Cordillera of Ecuador (Los Andes), 140 kilometers (87 miles) south of Quito. The small town of Baños, known for its thermal waters, is located on its slopes, approximately five kilometers to the north. Tungurahua, which is frequently erupting, is part of Sangay National Park.

Antisana: Potentially active and covered by glaciers. It is located between the provinces of Napo and Pichincha, about 50 km southeast of the city of Quito. Its glacier lost at least 36% of its original mass in the last 50 years. The melting of its glacial hull and the páramos located around the volcano are one of the most important sources of drinking water for the city of Quito, capital of Ecuador.

When to go?

Any time of the year is good to visit the Ecuadorian Highlands. For those who prefer a drier climate, the ideal is from June to September, also in November and December. The rest of the year is considered as a rainy season. However, the inhabitants of the Sierra often say that here the four seasons are lived in a single day since usually the morning tends to be spring, summer midday, autumn afternoon and winter night.

Don’t miss out the Ecuadorian Andes where you can find the highest peak in the country and also the highest point of the planet measured from the center of the earth. You could discover all this wonders by Ecuador Trekking the Avenues of Volcanoes or Ecuador Highlights trips

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By Priscila Gómez.

The only thing I could hear inside the mountain of San Gerardo de Dota was the river, the birds, and our steps on the wet leaves; submerged in a cloud forest the rain falls whenever it is necessary.

But at three in the afternoon, the sun filters through out the branches and illuminates some trees and our path. Everything around me was green and warm. The walls of the mountain covered by moss, allowed us to put our hands inside those sponges filled with fresh water. You feel the excitement of discovering and explore. To be part of nature.

It feels like being inside the ocean, surrounded by flora shaped like corals.

But I was 2,400 meters above the sea. Up there the mushrooms grow everywhere and, in each corner, infinite micro worlds forced us to walk slower. To be able to see the crown of some trees, you have to bend the head backwards. There is no other way.

It took us almost three hours from San José to get to Savegre, Hotel Natural Reserve and Spa, in Dota. We crossed the chaos of the city to enter an unknown and magical land.

This zone harbors 20% of the flora, 54% of the mammals and 59% of the birds of Costa Rica. Declared a Biosphere Reserve, this is a place where you can learn about sustainable development, in which the conservation of biodiversity is reconciled with the proper use of natural resources.

This hotel is an important point for the development of the area in Dota, especially because its founders started the project with the main intention of preserving the forest that surrounds them.

In Savegre we climbed the mountain in a 4x4 jeep that left us in a lookout point where we measure how far we were from almost everything, and how deep the forest is. All I could see were layers of layers of trees with yellow and green leaves. 

We began to descend on a natural trail that plunged us into another universe. Each branch was covered by more plants. The feeling of the moss in our hands, the bromelias that surrounded us. 

We could see climbing birds (Sittidae), and how their nature operates. We learned, we were bitten by mosquitoes, we saw wildflowers, we heard the water fall on stones. Everything felt good, the air opened the lungs, and we had to keep moving.

Once we left Savegre, we made a quick stop at a small restaurant called Miriam. We had coffee and ate homemade bread while hummingbirds entered and left the flowers in the yard, and we waited for the toucans to arrive.

The day was coming to an end, and behind us the mountain was dyed of golden light. The sun was a red ball that sent us away, but nobody wanted to leave, we had almost no reason to return.

Horizontes Nature Tours - “We inspire the enjoyment, fulfilment, and personal discovery of our guests through responsibly designed and operated travel programs that provide meaningful experiences with the nature and people of Costa Rica"

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